The Benfer Wiki
Living hotdog

"The Living Hotdog" was a hotdog that was brought to life through the magic of the God of Hotdogs. Though only alive for 4-5 minutes, it managed to brutally murder two Klaymen. It was eventually killed and devoured by a Klayman, but it tasted so terrible that he committed suicide. While it was alive, it was highly sadistic, and was oddly determined to eat people's toes.

In 'Klay World: Trapper EXTENDED", another Living Hotdog devoured Jason's hand. Eventually, the wound transformed into the Hotdog that attacked him, and took control his body. It was last seen chasing after a Klayman and attempting to eat his toes.


  • The Hotdog has the same face as Bop-Bop, a character from another animation that Robert Benfer made.
Hot dog bite


  • Klay World: Hotdog Job
  • Klay World: Trapper EXTENDED (possibly)
  • Klay World: All Gone (mentioned)